Why join Newcomers?

Why Join Newcomers?

Welcome to the Mother Lode and the Mother Lode Newcomers!

“A Stranger is a friend we haven’t met!”

Mother Lode Newcomers is a social and recreational club, established to welcome newcomers to the Mother Lode area and connect them with others that are new to our area. Whether you have just moved here or have been a resident for a while, come and join us!


September through May, the Mother Lode Newcomers Club meets at monthly membership luncheons that are held on the first Thursday of the month. Prospective new members are always welcome to attend.


To make a reservation for the next luncheon, click here. Leave your name & phone # and how many new women you are bringing. You will be notified of your reservation confirmation.


Mother Lode Newcomers acquaints members with activities and resources of the Mother Lode Area. Monthly luncheons are held at local restaurants, wineries, or meeting facilities. It’s a great way to sample the many fine establishments in the area. Another way to have fun and meet new friends is to join one or more of our Special Interest Groups. Click here to view a list of the Special Interest Groups. Choose from several groups such as cooking, reading, cards, games, travel and many others. There are daytime, evening, weekday and weekend activities to choose from.


Through our monthly luncheon raffles, annual Silent Auction and various other fundraising activities, we raise money to benefit local philanthropies selected by the general membership. Not only do we help the community, many members and guests have won lovely gifts through our raffle at our monthly Newcomer Luncheon meeting.
Come to our next meeting and meet new friends!


Click Here to Print an Application Form, or you can request a membership form by mail. Just send your request to:
Mother Lode Newcomers
PO Box 1022
Pine Grove, CA 95665