Vineyard Vixens

The Vineyard Vixen's social club is an opportunity to visit the fine wineries of Amador and surrounding counties.
Next Event:
When: March 21
WHAT: Where: Domenico Winery at 11:00 AM; followed by tasting at Convergence Vineyard; and finishing at Rancho Victoria.
RSVP: (or if you received the email notice from Linda, reply to All.)
Lunch: Bring your own lunch (sandwiches or snacks) Domenico does not provide food at this time, but confirmed it was fine to bring our own. There are not any food spots near Domenico.
Meet: At 10:30 at Sutter Creek Post Office to carpool, or at 11 AM at Domenico
The day excursions typically start with lunch, often at one of wineries where wine tasting may begin. Following lunch, the leaders will have coordinated wine tasting visits to one or two additional wineries.
Each month, the Vineyard Vixen’s leaders, plan and then email the date and day’s itinerary to current Club members. If you are a non-drinker, but would like to join us for the lunch. or would like to volunteer as a Designated Driver, you are certainly welcome. Besides spending a pleasant afternoon with friends, the goal is to learn more about the wines in and near our county. Combine that with a casual luncheon and we have the ingredients for a fun day and the opportunity to make new friends. If you are interesting in joining us, contact us or making a reservation, click the button below!